A Game of Truth and Lies (aka, the New Dragon's Loyalty Award)

5:07 AM Gemma Fitz 4 Comments

The Dragon's Loyalty Award is making the rounds again, with a set of brand new and dragonish rules. The stupendous Ashley has tagged me to share several truths and a few lies about myself and since the dragon in me heartily approves of spreading confusion and chaos, I have complied.

So here are seven facts or not-so-facts about me. Most of them shouldn't be too hard, so go ahead and take a guess in the comments, if you like.

I hate high heels.

Comfort before beauty, sorry.

I enjoy Algebra.

Time to work on my mad scientist handwriting.

Thor is my favourite Avenger.

He is worthy.

I hate big cities.

Crowds everywhere.

I'm not at all musical.

It takes a special kind of talent to be tone deaf.

I'm irrationally terrified of spiders.


Mulan and Hercules are my favourite Disney Princess movies.

They have the most action.

So eventually I guess I'll do another post to explain which are true and which are lies-- or I could just leave it at this and you'll be left to wonder for ever. *evil smirk* We'll see.

What is the practical purpose of stilettos? Who is your favourite Avenger? And any tips on how to kill a spider without getting within five feet of it?


I adore comments! Just keep it clean and respectful...please no profanity and while I respect people's opinions and love a good argument, simply bashing my post is obviously not appreciated. :)

Survey Results

3:11 PM Gemma Fitz 4 Comments

So I wasn't going to do this until the end of the month, but all my other ideas for blog posts this week didn't work out (yeah, so, recovering from hiatus is harder than I thought it would be), so here you go.


Writing Advice was by far the most popular post topic (which kinda surprised me because my advice never feels all that helpful, but okay), so I'll be handing out more of that, hopefully. Pep talks were the least popular, but I happen to like writing pep talks, so I'm not going to stop. The frequency with which I throw motivational speeches at you may, however, decrease somewhat.

(Wait, how do you decrease from 0 posts a month? *shifty glance at March*)

As for new topics, apparently what people wanted to hear about most were fandoms, my relationship with Jesus, depression, and anxiety. Also, somebody wanted me to talk about peanut butter, and I'm 100% on board with that, so yeah. I may venture into other subjects occasionally, but I'm planning on making the aforementioned topics regular fixtures on the blog. (Especially peanut butter.)
In conclusion, Chasing Daisies is no longer going to be a niche blog. Yeah, writing stuff will still be the main focus, but if y'all know me at all, you know I don't like confinement and I'm not going to try to confine myself to just talking about books and such. I'm going to be branching out in my subject matter, and hopefully some of it, at least, will interest you. :)

Actual Posts



In case you didn't notice, I had an impromptu hiatus (because that sounds more mature and professional than "I was being super lazy and had really bad blogger's block and just didn't really try all that hard') in March and didn't post anything. But I don't mean to let it happen again (at least without warning) and hopefully I'll get back on a posting schedule soon.

But I am going to have to tweak the schedule a bit, at least for now, because honestly, even apart from the fact I let all my creativity die during hiatus and now I can't seem to revive it, I can't keep up with posting twice a week any more. So I'll be cutting the Sunday posts, and just try to get something up every Thursday (ish).

Also, most of you wanted me to continue doing monthly wrap-ups, so those will probably still be a thing.


So thank you all SOOOOO much for your lovely input in this section. I've duly considered all your advice, and hopefully I'll be putting it into action in these coming weeks.

Keep your eyes peeled, because changes are coming!


Yay! Time for the fun part!!

"What type of person would you be in your favourite fantasy world (please include weapon, race, hobbies, quest, etc.)? What about in your favourite sci-fi world?"

Um, well-- my favourite fantasy world would be First Age Arda (Silmarillion, yissss), and I think I'd be a Maiar. I'd use a sword most likely, but I probably wouldn't fight much. Mainly I'd just hang out with Ulmo and the Teleri, probably, because they're cool people. Unless I could be Maehdros, in which case I'd be Maehdros. Without the kinslaying, maybe.
And I don't really have a favourite sci-fi world? I guess I'd be a human with a laser pistol/blaster, and I'd explore the galaxy in my tiny space ship with a couple of really good friends.
...Did I just describe Han Solo? Apparently I'd be Han Solo. (I dunno. I don't even like Han Solo.)

"Favourite 'Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy' character?"

Slartibartfast. (I told you it didn't matter.) I also like Marvin. And Arthur Dent. And Zaphod Beeblebrox. And the random mattress thing. And a whole lot of other characters I can't remember right now.

"Okay, so what's your favourite character from Super Mario Smash Bros?"

*high pitched screaming* SNAKE. AND IKE. AND MARTH. AND PIT.
I... may have problems.

"When you were younger did you have a movie you watched again and again?"

Define "younger"??
I went through a stage where I watched How To Train Your Dragon basically every week, and it's still one of my favourite movies. And I feel sure there are more, but my mind is drawing up a blank. (I'm tired.)

"Do you like curly fries? Have you ever read Percy Jackson?"

I like all fries. Greasy potatoes covered in salt taste good no matter what shape they are. But I prefer normal ones.
And yeah, I've read the first Percy Jackson book, but... I didn't particularly care for it? I just didn't like any of the characters and was bored.

"What's your favourite Anthem Lights song?"

Um-- "Love You Like the Movies"?? It makes me laugh, and it's the first song I've ever heard by them. (My sister would go around singing it all the time.)

In Conclusion

You all are amazing. That's really all there is to say. :)


I adore comments! Just keep it clean and respectful...please no profanity and while I respect people's opinions and love a good argument, simply bashing my post is obviously not appreciated. :)

That Punk Post

4:54 AM Gemma Fitz 9 Comments

Welcome to my super serious post on all the different genres with the suffix "punk". Hopefully this will be highly enlightening and possibly inspire you to explore some more of these lesser-known but just as awesome genres.

Steampunk- Because clockwork is cool.

Cyberpunk- And computers are cooler.

Dieselpunk- I see your clockwork computers and raise you punk 1920s.

Biopunk- DNA manipulation is punk.

Nanopunk- What is nanotechnology? Apparently it's punk.

Stonepunk- Cave men are more advanced than we gave them credit for. Also punk.

Decopunk- More punk 1920s. Only prettier?

Atompunk- Punk atom bombs. Punk Russia. Punk hippies. What could possibly go wrong?

Solarpunk- Going Green is punk. (I actually made this up and then found out it was a thing.)

Petrolpunk- World War 1 can be punk.

Woodpunk- The Middle Ages can be punk.

Slavepunk- Ancient Greece, Rome, or Egypt can be punk.

Gunpowderpunk- Ancient China can be punk.
Revolutionpunk- French Revolution, American Revolution, Easter Rising. Can we punk it? Yes, we can!

Timepunk- Or you can just time travel to all the different punk periods. Time travel is cool. (And punk.)

Girlpowerpunk- You go, girl.

Horsepowerpunk- Well, why not?

Pinkpunk- It's an assonance.

Trampolinepunk- If machines can work by tiny cogs, why not giant springs?

Coffeepunk- We all know the world runs on coffee, anyway.

Motrinpunk- Take some Motrin. Walk it off.

Hamsterpunk- Uh-- what?

Pizzapunk- I don't even know any more.

What are some punk genres you'd like to write in? Any of these catch your fancy? Any others I should have included?

(My blog survey is still receiving responses! You can fill it out here.)


I adore comments! Just keep it clean and respectful...please no profanity and while I respect people's opinions and love a good argument, simply bashing my post is obviously not appreciated. :)

Happy Birthday, Chasing Daisies!

5:35 AM Gemma Fitz 10 Comments

That's right. Chasing Daisies has been up and running for exactly one year. Which is incredibly exciting, obviously.
I'd normally be the type of person to go gushing on and on about how thankful I am for all you lovely readers and how this blog couldn't possibly exist without you and how you are undoubtedly the most awesome peeps in the universe, but not today. (Though that's all completely true and I love y'all.)

I'd normally be the type of person to reminisce over all the good times and the bad times that I've come through with this blog during the past year, rehashing old themes and struggles and triumphs, tenderly remembering the topics I've discussed, the mistakes I've made, and the friends I've met, but not today. (Though it has been ridiculously amazing.)

I'd normally be the type to scream about how exciting this is and make corny jokes and ramble on and on about how much I love birthdays and shove cake and ice cream in your faces, but-- not today. (Though y'all should totally use this as an excuse for ice cream. You should use everything as an excuse for ice cream.)

Which is honestly what this post comes down to-- I've been changing a lot lately. It's probably not permanent, but there it is. And it's kind of inevitable that the blog is going to change, too. So what's this next year going to be looking like at Chasing Daisies?

I'm not totally sure I have the answer to that question, and I'm interested to hear your opinion before I state mine. So I've put together a quick survey, and I would really appreciate it if you'd take a few minutes to fill it out. Consider it a birthday present to Chasing Daisies, if you like.

(Here's a link, if for any reason it's not working.)

Thank you so much for being the awesome people you are. I'm looking forward to seeing what this year brings, and I hope you are too!!


I adore comments! Just keep it clean and respectful...please no profanity and while I respect people's opinions and love a good argument, simply bashing my post is obviously not appreciated. :)