About Me

3:53 PM Gemma Fitz 4 Comments

Hi! I'm Gem, the writer, blogger, and fangirl whose trap you have unfortunately walked right into. }:D Since you're effectively trapped, I will take this opportunity to introduce myself and my evil plot.

I'm a writer. Just so we're absolutely, one hundred percent clear on that score. I've been writing for most of my (short) life, penning stories before I even knew how to spell (I still have a story I wrote when I was four or so, and I can't read a word of it). I'm not published, but it's a goal I'm working towards. I have won a few local poetry contests, and placed third for my age category in a worldwide short story contest for young authors. I write in a variety of weird genres, including science fiction, dystopian, fantasy, futuristic, spy, contemporary, and YA. I write in pretty much any form, including poetry, short stories, novels, fan fiction, and even essays (which can totally be fun!).

I'm a Christian. My relationship with Christ, my Saviour, is ultimately what defines me as a person. He made me what I am today. Here's hoping he keeps making me better. :P With this blog, my writing, and everything else in my life, I hope to bring honour and glory to him. He certainly deserves it. 

I'm a fangirl, in case you didn't notice. While most of my fandoms are movies/tv shows, I think we can learn a lot from them when it comes to crafting our own stories, and may often refer to them in my posts. Here's a (by no mean complete) list of my fandoms: LotR, Avengers, Doctor Who, Merlin, Silmarillion, Star Wars, How To Train Your Dragon, and Disney Pixar.

I'm a Meyers-Briggs ENFP. (I'm also home schooled, which accidentally resulted in me having no friends, and my Extrovert side is suffering.) In many ways, I'm a walking contradiction, and I even confuse myself. To be brief, I love people, and am only too happy to talk to anyone-- except on the telephone. *hides*

Oh, and in case couldn't tell, I'm just a kid, really-- still in high school. I hope that doesn't put you off too much.

Here's a condensed version, for anyone who wants it.

Gemma Fitz is the chosen nom de plume of an aspiring teenage author writing in the Eastern United States-- when she isn't wasting time on something else. She writes in a multitude of genres, contributes to the insanity in a multitude of fandoms (don't get her started on fandoms), and generally enjoys variety and vaguety. She's a Christian, homeschooler, fangirl, ENFP, odd-ball, farm girl (though not by choice), and supposed drama queen. She tries to be funny and intelligent, but usually only succeeds in being ditzy and weird.


  1. Yeah! Fellow ENFP! *high fives*
    I just found your blog, and I think it's really great! Also, I totally understand the telephone thing... *sheepish laugh*
    :) I just wanted to say hiya!

  2. Yes! ENFP!! *returns high five* Glad you like it! Telephones are the worst. I literally hide in my room when it rings. Thanks for stopping by! :)

  3. Nice to meet you, Gemma! I'm almost like you! I'm homeschooled, a writer, and an INFP. :P Looking forward to following your lovely blog! :D

    1. And the same to you! :D No way-- one of my favourite MCs is an INFP. ;) Thanks for dropping in!


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