End of Month Wrap-Up: May

12:58 PM Gemma Fitz 2 Comments

WHAT??? May is over already??? I feel faint.

And it's already behaving like summer over here-- step outside for five seconds and you're steamed. I don't like summer. WHERE DID SPRING GO??? Oh, that's right-- spring doesn't exist here.

Anyway, the month is basically over, whether I like it or not, which means it's time for a quick wrap-up. Here it is. You're welcome.

On the Blog

At My Writing Desk

  • I was assaulted by an army of evil plot bunnies with plans to take over the world and my brain by degrees.
  • I continued rewriting Splitting Atoms.
Yeah right, who am I kidding? I did hardly any rewriting-- the plot bunnies hauled me off captive, bound hand and foot, and there were only a few instances where I wriggled free of my bonds and got some writing done on my WIP.
Enjoy a gif of evil plot bunnies hauling me off to evil-plot-bunny-land.

In the Books

I read 6 books this month, which wasn't as many as I was hoping, but more than usual. Maybe with summer upon us the pace will pick up a bit. I continued my YA adventure, and while I didn't find exactly what I was looking for, I did end up liking more of the books than I did last month. Here's my Goodreads, where you can see what I read and what I thought, if you feel like it.


On the Web

With Me and My Life

  • I FINALLY GOT TO THE ELEVENTH DOCTOR (in Doctor Who) AND ADJFLDKJF!!!! I miss Ten, though. And Nine, actually.
  • Summer is here, which means I'm miserable and hot and achy from working too hard yesterday.
  • Some family members played instruments at a Benefit Concert this month, and I missed all their pieces and most of the other performers, because I was stuck outside with a screaming nephew. I was not happy.
    Me for two hours.

Coming Soon to the Blog

  • I've got a good friend, Lily Lindsey-Aubrey, scheduled to do a blog post about no-win scenarios in fiction.
  • I'm considering either posting about my WIP or putting up a page to house my current writing projects. What do you think?
  • I'm going to find out how to schedule posts with blogger. I WILL DO IT!!!!
So that's the month!

How did your month go? Quick poll: do you or do you not like summer? And what do you want to see on the blog this June? I'm kinda stuck for ideas at the moment, but I'll get over it.


  1. Yup, I'm having the plot bunny problem too. Looking forward to your guest post; that sounds cool. *-*

    And thanks for linking me! XD *hands virtual cookies*

    1. Ahhh!! Save me from the evil plot bunnies!!!

      You are more than welcome, as always. That post rules.


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