Joy, Joy, Joy

5:32 AM Gemma Fitz 2 Comments

It's here. The presents are stacked high around our (puny) tree, Christmas music is blaring in my ears, and I'm sitting in the living room surrounded by my siblings and cousins who've come home to celebrate with us. We've been to Christmas recitals and concerts, Christmas services at our church, Christmas parties and open houses. And amidst the hustle and bustle I keep hearing the same thing I hear every year-- "Are we missing it? Are we missing what Christmas is really about?"

And sitting here, listening to Celtic Women and the laughter and chatter of my family-- I don't think I have. I don't think I'm missing it.

It's been a bit over two thousand years, now, since Mary and Joseph arrived in Bethlehem and the greatest gift of all time was given to the world. Two thousand years since the angels appeared to the shepherds-- the poor, ordinary, nothing-special-at-all shepherds-- and sang praises to God.

"Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people."

Two thousand years later, I'm still feeling the joy-- the result of Christ's birth. Two thousand years wasn't enough to kill the joy or change the meaning of that gift.

Before Christ's coming, the only hope for salvation was following the strict Jewish law and offering frequent sacrifices at the temple. Before Christ's coming, a personal, close relationship with the Lord was only for the few, the favoured-- people like Enoch and Elijah. Before Christ's coming, it was ridiculously hard for a Gentile, like me, to find favour with God.

But that all changed when Jesus was born.

"For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord."

Jesus was born to rescue mankind from their sin and suffering. Jesus was born to fulfil the law and the prophets as the one true Messiah. Jesus was born to save us. No wonder the message the angels brought was of joy and peace and good will!

Christmas is a celebration of that joy. At Christmas we remember how Jesus was born, and how Jesus died, and how Jesus rose again from the dead, breaking the chains of sin and death that held us in slavery before. At Christmas we celebrate the story that never loses its power, even after two thousand years.

At Christmas we should join the angels in singing, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace, good will to men!"

I don't think I'm missing it right now. Right now, I'm feeling that joy.

Are you?

Have a great Christmas, everybody!


  1. I love Celtic Woman! They are amazing. :)
    You're totally right-- it's so easy to get lost in the food and the presents and all the fun stuff we do. But this year, especially, I think I'm like you-- I did a pretty good job of remembering what it's all about. And also how blessed we are. I am immensely grateful that we are able to give and receive gifts, and as I look at my collection of things I got today, instead of thinking about the things I had asked for that I didn't happen to get, I thank God that I was blessed enough to receive what I did, because I know there are others far less fortunate. I'm also beyond thankful that, amidst all the tragedy in the world and even those that have taken place recently, my family and those close to me were still with me this Christmas.
    What a lovely post. Merry Christmas! :)

    1. Their voices are just so pretty. :)
      Yes, definitely. *nods* Thank you for reminding me just how much we have to be thankful for!! So many people around the world have lost family members this year, and I am so incredibly blessed that every single one of mine was able to make it home for the holidays this year.
      Belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year's to you!!


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