End-of-Month Wrap Up: August

5:43 AM Gemma Fitz 4 Comments

Summer is almost over, guys. And since Autumn means the beach and pretty leaves and gorgeous mountains covered in pretty leaves and misty mornings and fuzzy sweaters and apples and no more peaches and my birthday, I couldn't be more ready! Bring on September!

On the Blog

In all, I published ten posts this month (this being the tenth), which I'm very happy about.

At My Writing Desk

  • I read through my novel's second draft, actually wrote an outline, and began the editing process.
  • I blogged about my writing crisis.
  • I wrote a short story, which I haven't done in a while.
  • And I had several bouts of poetic inspiration (and therefore, of insomnia) and churned out 12 new poems.
Overall, I feel like I've had a pretty good writing month, crises and insomnia aside. Plus, my adorable Fanta-guzzling character from my WIP furnishes me with the perfect excuse to drink copious amounts of orange Fanta, which couldn't please me more.

In the Books

I read 5 books this month. That's not a lot, but all five were amazing, and Pariah is my new favourite book. So I've had a great reading month as well! (So far it's looking like I've just had a good month, period.)

On the Web

With Me and My Life

Are you wondering why my blog post count has increased dramatically (if you call ten posts dramatic) this last month? It's because I've had no life lately.
  • I started school again and am feeling very unmotivated.
  • I've been selling lots of peaches at work and I really hate peaches. All peaches should be burned. I never want to see another peach.
  • I've gone on like 5 shopping trips this month. Like, what even? Oh well, it's all fun.
  • And of course I've been obsessing over my upcoming vacation. #1 perk of being a homeschooler-- you get to go to the beach in September when everyone else is in school.

Coming Soon to the Blog

I'm really bad at actually delivering on what I say I'm going to post, but I do have a few ideas knocking around as drafts right now, including:
  • A post on theme and why your story is important.
  • And another one giving reasons why I won't comment on your blog post.
We'll see if these actually end up happening or not.
So how was your August? Are you looking forward to fall as much as I am? What was your favourite thing you did this month?


  1. AHHHH YOU READ PARIAH, TOO? IT WAS THE BESTEST BOOK IN THE WORLD, WASN'T IT? *sorry, just very excited about that novel*

    Dude, you're so good at keeping up with your blog. o.o I mean, TEN posts a month? That's one every three days. *is sad because she can barely get four posts posted each month* Ah, well. Good for you, though. :D

    Also, I totally understand not being able to list upcoming posts of the month. I seriously have NO idea how people plan ahead so far. I mean, it's awesome, and I really wish I was that organized, but most of the posts I publish I write the day before in a mad rush of flying keys and putting together graphics. xD
    The "why I won't comment on your blog" one would be really interesting. *nods*

    Thanks for the shoutout! It's been a great month. :D

    1. YES YES YES, IT WAS LOVELY. I'm just a pile of feelings and tears over here, AND NO ONE UNDERSTANDS MY PAIN BECAUSE IT IS NOT PUBLISHED.*cries* And you never need to apologize for flailing over my favourite books (or any books). xD

      Eheheh... I actually feel really bad at keeping up with my blog, but I did have a good month. I've been having blog post bunnies instead of plot bunnies, for some reason. And I always have lots of ideas for posts, but then I try and write them a couple days before my post deadline and they just Do. Not. Work. And so then I have to come up with something else at the very last minute in, as you say, "a mad rush of flying keys and putting together graphics". It gets rather annoying.

      You're welcome, I loved that post! And thanks for commenting!

  2. I totally understand not really being able to promise anything blogging-wise. I barely know what I'm going to post the day it's due, let alone a month in advance! I sometimes wish I could be super organised and have everything ready like, a month in advance, but half the fun of running my blog is discovering what I have to say each week.

    It's just turned spring here, and I can't wait for the warmer weather. Winter and I have a terrible disagreement about temperatures every year. I am so ready to shed the bulky layers of clothing and be WARM again.

    Aw, thanks for including my list in your round up. You made my day!

    1. Yes, it is so much fun to be totally stressed out all week, trying to think of something to post and then suddenly get an idea at midnight the night before you're supposed to post. Stressful and exhausting, but fun. :)

      It's always so weird thinking that half the world is cold when I'm hot. Have fun with Spring!! I personally prefer Winter to Summer, but I'm not crazy about either of them. I do looove sweaters though...

      You're welcome! I loved your post! And thanks for commenting!


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